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The (first) KTT sentenced to death

In Hanoi, the Thanh Cong “collective area” will be replaced by a tower

The Intelligence of the Artificial Architecture (IAA)

A recent RIBA study assures “human architects” not to worry about their future

The illusion of trompe l’oeil to save the city from its ugliness

Richard Haas' architectural murals have been the foundation of "public artitecture" for 50 years

First, They killed Goal 16

Six years to go and Agenda 2030 seems to be a problem for Architecture

Bloosom found a home in Kibera and decided to turn it into a mansion

The ghetto as the last refuge where you can remain yourself

BREAKING NEWS: Metaphysics is dead and the “modulor” has come to life

Riots in Brasilia end order in “Three Powers Plaza”

L’autocostruzione intelligente per gli insediamenti di transizione

A Kibera Il sistema costruito da Oliver von Malm ti permette di giocare a Lego con la tua casa

Kibera, lo”insediamento di transizione” dove la “architettura radical-chic” ha vita breve

A Nairobi la più grande baraccopoli d'Africa diventa laboratorio per la resilienza socio-economica

Non c’è ombra sostenibile senza l’albero di mango

Nell'orto di Kéré Architecture a Gando si impara a piantare il “sustainable eco-system”